OPEN KROSS CHALLENGE, CLIFFE CASTLE, KEIGHLEY: Saturday Feb 11th 2017. This challenge is race 1 as listed in the senior club championships for XC for 2016. It is a simple format, easy-to-enter, low-key open cross-country challenge that is all...

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AGM Minutes 2017

Keighley & Craven Athletic Club Minutes of Annual General Meeting held at University Academy Keighley (UAK) on 2nd February 2017 at 8pm Meeting Chair and Secretary – Chris Tomes (CT) Note, these minutes are not a verbatim record of the...

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Hoofstones Fell Race

What an amazing achievement for all KCAC that ran Hoofstones yesterday! The first fell race in the championship. Hannah Thom was first senior lady back in a very impressive time 1:33 really well done to you Hannah. Hilary Barber also won First...

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