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18th August @ 6:30 p.m.
Haworth Cricket Club

Join us for this annual fun event where runners of all abilities take part in a Chinese Relay, and socialise afterwards at the cricket club. An opportunity to meet club member that you wouldn’t normally speak to, and enjoy the space and views at the cricket club. Food and drink will be available afterwards.

A Chinese relay is designed to make teams as evenly matched as possible. On the night all participants will line up fastest to slowest and paired up. The slower team member runs one way around the course, the faster the other. When they meet, they turn round and run back and run to the start. Therefore each person runs for the same time, but the faster will run further than the slower in the team.

The course will be explained on the night, but is out to Bronte falls, Windy Harbour and back.

Jill Bell <bell.jill@gmail.com

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